
How To Change The Order Of Columns In R

How to change the club of columns in an R data frame?

Ordering columns might exist required when nosotros want to manipulate the information. Manipulation can have several reasons such as cross verification, visualisation, etc. We should also exist careful when we change anything in the original information because that might impact our processing. To change the order of columns we can utilize the single square brackets.


Consider the below data frame −

> gear up.seed(1) > Class<-letters[1:twenty] > Grade<-rep(c("A","B","C","D"),times=5) > Score<-sample(1:100,xx,replace=Truthful) > df<-data.frame(Class,Grade,Score) > df   Class Grade Score 1   a     A     68 ii   b     B     39 3   c     C      1 4   d     D     34 5   due east     A     87 six   f     B     43 7   g     C     14 eight   h     D     82 9   i     A     59 10  j     B     51 11  m     C     97 12  50     D     85 13  m     A     21 xiv  n     B     54 15  o     C     74 16  p     D      7 17  q     A     73 18  r     B     79 19  south     C     85 xx  t     D     37 > df<-df[, c("Grade","Class","Score")] > df   Form Class Score 1   A     a    68 two   B     b    39 3   C     c     1 4   D     d    34 5   A     e    87 six   B     f    43 7   C     1000    14 8   D     h    82 9   A     i    59 10  B     j    51 eleven  C     yard    97 12  D     l    85 thirteen  A     thousand    21 14  B     n    54 15  C     o    74 16  D     p     7 17  A     q    73 xviii  B     r    79 19  C     due south    85 xx  D     t    37

If the cavalcade names are in an gild as shown below −

> x1<-letters[1:xx] > x2<-rep(c("A","B","C","D"),times=five) > x3<-sample(one:100,20,supercede=Truthful) > df<-data.frame(x3,x2,x1) > df    x3 x2 x1 1  44 A  a two  25 B  b three  70 C  c  4  39 D  d five  51 A  e 6  42 B  f seven   6 C  g viii  24 D  h 9  32 A  i 10 14 B  j xi  2 C  m 12 45 D  50 13 xviii A  yard 14 22 B  n 15 78 C  o 16 65 D  p 17 70 A  q 18 87 B  r 19 70 C  s 20 75 D  t

At present we tin use sort function to change the order as shown beneath −

> df[,sort(names(df))]    x1 x2 x3 1   a  A 44 2   b  B 25 iii   c  C 70 4   d  D 39 v   e  A 51 half dozen   f  B 42 7   g  C 6 viii   h  D 24 9   i  A 32 x  j  B 14 xi  thousand  C  two 12  fifty  D 45 13  thou  A eighteen fourteen  n  B 22 15  o  C 78 xvi  p  D 65 17  q  A 70 18  r  B 87 19  s  C 70 xx  t  D 75


Published on 10-Aug-2020 12:23:18

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